--> WHAT IS CROWDFUNDING? | usatradevisa


Crowdfunding is a model for bringing many individuals together to fund your project with small donations. Typically, you'll expect them to support your project in return for a small reward or sense of being a success partner. For example, a musician, such as receiving a 1 USD support share in the exchange of a free music download, or giving a chance to walk a movie project with 1000 USD to the participants on the red carpet at the premiere of the film (Veronica Mars is a Crowdfunding project. A crowdfunding initiative with a rewarding achievement can succeed. In this example, a project that normally requires millions of dollars of funding from big companies like Warner Bros could be realized with the small shares of thousands of people.
WHAT IS CROWDFUNDING, usatradevisa.com


Crowdfunding is a model for bringing many individuals together to fund your project with small donations. Typically, you'll expect them to support your project in return for a small reward or sense of being a success partner.

For example, a musician, such as receiving a 1 USD support share in the exchange of a free music download, or giving a chance to walk a movie project with 1000 USD to the participants on the red carpet at the premiere of the film (Veronica Mars is a Crowdfunding project. A crowdfunding initiative with a rewarding achievement can succeed. In this example, a project that normally requires millions of dollars of funding from big companies like Warner Bros could be realized with the small shares of thousands of people.

What is Crowdfunding:

It is a financing application model by collecting a small amount of money from a project or initiative, usually from a large number of people, usually over the Internet.

In a successful crowdfunding model, the small amount of contributions is intended to ensure that there is no ownership to say that I have financed the project, that the participants do not enter into a financial bulletin, and that hundreds of thousands of people are happy to have a share in a project they hope to achieve.

Most successful Crowdfunding sites

  • Kickstarter ( The most popular crowdfunding site)
  • Indiegogo
  • Crowdfund is
  • Rockethub
  • Crowdrise

How to Financing Projects

Instead of traditional investors, crowdfunding campaigns are funded by the public.
Generally, people with a business idea project tend to obtain the necessary cost to develop their investment and projects from their families, relatives, friends, and close circle.

The next stage comes with second- or third-degree links, for example, who are aware of your artistic ability or professional skills, and who believe that you can do the job. These may be people who have already introduced your work, followed up, or do work.

If you don't have a family to finance you, or if you don't have a business environment that can finance your work, what you can do if your project is innovative, untested and requires only a serious budget. That is, crowdfunding mass funding is exactly what people need.

Today, many crowdfunding sites, social responsibility projects, artists, designers, musicians, engineering projects, etc., such as crowdfunding to collect money. Sites such as Kickstarter and Indiegogo serve as "agents". Therefore, they provide platforms hosting cross-fill areas.

Crowdfunding, how to collect funds for mass funding, how the collected money is controlled.
Crowdfunding sites open a PayPal account to support projects and use the PayPal application when collecting money. Paypal receives less commission than crowdfunding projects, thanks to its flexible security and control mechanism, the amount of money collected and money transfers are secured.


How to make money from crowdfunding sites

Broker firms or sites take a portion of the money collected. For example Kickstarter is 5%. The Indiegogo site receives a 4% share. In other words, sites that mediate the crowdfunding business earn money in this way, but can also request a license share for the products or works they provide as a means of financing.

How to implement crowdfunding, 3 types of crowdfunding models

1. All or Nothing
Kickstarter also applies this model. "wholly or not" Until the deadline determined by the creator of the campaign, the project is deemed to be unsuccessful and the donations will be returned if the project is required and the designated invoice cannot be collected from the beginning.

2. Keep all
Indiegogo is using this model. The campaign builder takes the collected amount regardless of whether the target has been reached if the target amount is not reached initially, the Indiegogo that provides brokerage service makes a higher deduction, for example, 9% deduction from the collected money..

3. Bounty
Bountysource is a versatile platform that supports open-source software development. Bountysource allows users to support their favorite open-source projects with "rewards". Whoever has succeeded in developing a project, donations are collected.

What should people do with Crowdfunding to finance their projects
When the artists and designers who present their projects and who are successful in the sites such as Kickstarter are examined, we see that all they do is not to present their ideas to these administrators and show them to the showcase.

You need to do your best to use social media, create sites that will make or report your project, take part in forums, create email distribution lists before the project starts ... all of these people. The fact that human beings are aware of your work, seeing your original aspects, and being convinced that you will be successful is in a sense of how much effort you are making to introduce yourself and your project.

There are three main reasons why people believe and support a project.
1. Having the belief that the project will be successful
2. Influences of the campaign's awards
3. They are affected by the presentation of the campaign

In this section, we tried to answer the questions listed below. If you have detailed questions, please specify them in the comments section;

  • What is crowdfunding and how does it work?
  • Is Crowdfunding a good idea?
  • What is an example of crowdfunding?
  • What do Crowdfunders get in return?
  • What are the drawbacks of crowdfunding?
  • How do I start crowdfunding?
  • Who can use crowdfunding?
  • How do I fund my project?
  • How successful is crowdfunding?
  • Crowdfunding Websites
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Crowdfunding is a model for bringing many individuals together to fund your project with small donations. Typically, you'll expect them to support your project in return for a small reward or sense of being a success partner. For example, a musician, such as receiving a 1 USD support share in the exchange of a free music download, or giving a chance to walk a movie project with 1000 USD to the participants on the red carpet at the premiere of the film (Veronica Mars is a Crowdfunding project. A crowdfunding initiative with a rewarding achievement can succeed. In this example, a project that normally requires millions of dollars of funding from big companies like Warner Bros could be realized with the small shares of thousands of people.
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